Brave New World Explained: The Rise of President Ross!

So, friends, Captain America ‘Brave New World’ is coming soon, in which General Thunder Ross will be seen in the role of President. In this blog we will discuss about the character of President Ross and what kind of character he will be in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And we know that Captain America movies have always had a political aspect, so in today’s blog too we will adopt the same approach. With this, we would like to inform that we have started a mini-series through this video, in which we will explain ‘Captain America: Brave New World’ in detail. There will be a total of three blogs in this mini-series, and this is the first blog. So, without any delay, taking care of spoilers, let’s start. If you have been able to see any pattern in Captain America movies, then you will be able to understand that this story started with World War, when Captain fought on behalf of America, and as he moved towards Civil War, he fought against his own country. So, the theme of Captain America is that of choosing right and wrong between politics and speeches. But this time in ‘Captain America: Brave New World’ we will get to see a level above this. Let’s start discussing it now. First, let’s talk about what is new in ‘Captain America: Brave New World’. The situation during Brave New World is very delicate in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Not much time has passed since everyone has returned after Hulk’s snap. The global economy has still not stabilized, and the process of recovery is going on. The sudden doubling of the population has brought a serious economic crisis in America. Therefore, inflation will increase to support the economy, but it will take some time to control unemployment. At the same time, America is no longer as globally influential as before in strategic i.e. military and international relations, as we have seen in ‘Wakanda Forever’, where now two big powers have emerged in front of America: one Wakanda and the other Talokan. America knows that it cannot face these two superpowers, neither with technology, nor economically, nor with military power. In this way, all the circumstances are stacked against America. Additionally, in Wakanda Forever, Queen Ramonda had made it clear that she would not tolerate any kind of interference from any country. In this way, currently global politics in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has become like a pressure cooker, where tensions are constantly increasing. And in which direction all these events will lead, we will know in the next episode of this mini-series. But right now, we will discuss here how a challenging situation searches for leadership. Strong individuals are formed in difficult times. Currently, as we are seeing situations in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, something similar has happened many times in the world. We would like to give you two major examples: first, ‘Great Depression’ and second, ‘Cold War’. ‘Great Depression’ was the time when the global economy had gone into recession. Many banks of a superpower like America were closed in just two months. Things were very cheap, but people were struggling to survive. So, the question is, where to get money for shopping? That is, there is supply but there is no dearth of demand, and it is very difficult to overcome this huge gap between demand and supply. But America was the first country at that time to recover from this situation in the next two years, and all this was possible due to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal policy. The New Deal policies included infrastructure projects, which provided employment to people and boosted the economy. For this, Roosevelt adopted a very aggressive and forward-thinking economic policy. In fact, his victory to come to power was so big that even today people remember him and criticize the previous president Herbert Hoover in their speech. He showed people the dream that he would bring good days for America. Just like Roosevelt showed leadership in his difficult times, similarly in 1980, another leader Ronald Reagan had to do the same during the Cold War. So, in 1980, when the Cold War was at its peak, Ronald Reagan became the President. America was also facing a stagnant economy at that time and there was also a rival named USSR outside. In such a situation, Ronald Reagan made people aware against the old government in his campaign. He said that these people have just become lazy, and he promised to make America strong against the Soviet Union. After which when he came to power, Reagan took important steps like tax cuts and increasing military spending and he raised hopes even in the stagnant economy. Even in today’s time, aggressive policies are required to overcome recession. Are our leaders doing this? Here we can see a pattern that whenever a difficult situation comes, our society chooses a strong leader, who makes big promises to them and assures that he will get them out of this difficulty. All this is going to happen in the character of President Ross. Now how will this happen, let’s see in the next point. Now let’s talk about why Thunderbolt Ross will be chosen. We all know what kind of situations are created, after which people want a strong person to lead us and all these situations are currently in the MCU as well, but why General Ross here? We would like to start answering this question by saying that now there is no one other than Ross in the Marvel Cinematic Universe who can prove the Avengers and their actions wrong by analysing them from a military and political point of view. Ross has seen closely how superheroes and people holding superpowers operate. Even though Avengers was a US based superhero organization, it was still totally autonomous and outside any kind of state control. Avengers operated on their own will, which was of no benefit to America, but the world thought that Avengers were a part of the United States military because the leader of this team was roaming around wearing the US flag and this was what Ross did not like in the Civil War and the result was the Jokowi Agreement. Ross must have closely analysed the anarchy that is spreading in global politics after the Blip. It must have been inspiring Ross on how to counter their ideology of extreme anarchy. After all, Ross has been a general, so this would be a normal thing for a general. Along with this, Ross will be the one who will understand best what policies should be made against adversaries like Wakanda and Talokan. So, friends, you can see how all the situations and all the circumstances are pointing towards Ross. But now the question arises that which of his words can cause problems to Captain America, that is, our Sam Wilson. So, this is our next point. This is also the topic of the next blog. So, listen to it carefully. Now look friends, two types of ideologies exist in international politics, mainly a realist school and an idealist school. Realist school is a pragmatic way of thinking which believes that we will do everything keeping in mind the interest of our country and nation. It believes that power runs the world and the one who has the power will ultimately decide what is right and what is wrong, what is justice and what should be the law. Whereas idealists are just the opposite of this. They believe that politics is not based on power but on morality and partnership. So, after listening to all these things, you must have understood what kind of thinking person Ross will have. Obviously, he is a realist because Ross has a military background, and the military follows only and only a pragmatic approach. For them, everything comes in national interest. They are taught that if they look at morality, they will never be able to save the integrity and sovereignty of their country. And with this very pragmatism, when a leader comes in front of the public in a crisis, then the public makes him his messiah. Yes, in MCU, US is in crisis right now. US has challenges on both internal and external fronts. And Ross will be the person who will come up with the idea that I will restore USA to its old glory at any cost. And he will be ready to take this idea to such an extreme that our Captain America starts feeling wrong. Look friends, there is no limit to nationalism. Nationalism is a very good ideology, but when nationalism gets intoxicated by capitalism and national interest, then it takes the form of imperialism. And these three things are present in the American society. And this will be even more in Ross’s character. He will be a nationalist because he was in the army. He will want to become a capitalist because the American economy is the same. Capitalism means putting the benefit of the individual first. He will start calling all this as national interest and will again become a world power. To dominate and bring back the glory of USA, he will take such a step which will become the entire plot of Brave New World, and this event will lead further in the Thunderbolts movie. But after listening to all this, you must have wondered what is wrong in this. A leader is only looking for the good of his country. So, I will tell you the problem. The problem is that there is no end to national interest. At a point, we stop realizing how far we will stretch our interests. We just start seeing that whatever we are doing, we are doing it for the good of everyone. And gradually our actions start moving towards evilness in the spectrum of morality. And our first Avenger Steve Rogers had seen this very well in his life. During the World War, people who considered themselves good and messiahs of humanity used the atom bomb, where millions of people lost their lives. And our Captain America Sam Wilson knows very well that human ambitions have no limits, they keep on growing and especially when a leader becomes overly ambitious, he not only brings his own doom but also the doom of the society. But what do you have to say about President Ross? Where will Red Hulk fit in the character of President Ross and how will Sam Wilson face him? Please do tell us in the comments.

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